marie booth

Obituary of marie martha booth

Marie Martha Booth, born April 29th 1921 crossed over to be with the Lord on Jan. 7th 2023 after living over a century and sharing her love, wisdom and strength with her entire family. Marie has left her family with an incredible legacy of love and memories that will be cherished forever. Marie was born and raised on the family farm in Campbellsport, Wisconsin in 1921. A farm girl and family woman at heart, Marie lived on the farm until her 20s when she first married and had 6 beautiful children of her own (Mary, Joyce, Judy, Mike, Bonnie and Tom) whom she loved with all her heart. Marie Booth lived an amazing life with her family as her number one passion. This incredible Mother of (6), Grandmother of (25), Great Grandmother of (53) and Great- Great Grandmother of (45) was always a pillar of strength, beauty and good health. Marie was a loyal wife; loving mother and she was also a woman entrepreneur at a young age. Owning and operating a restaurant in the 50's alongside her 6 children was an inspiration to not only her children and family but to many other women. Living over a century, Marie was blessed to be witness to such first inventions from the black and white Television and first frozen TV dinner to satellites in space and everything in-between. She was known for her delicious homemade holiday cookies, family card games, making crafts and good conversation. Her sense of humor was always a blessing to everyone who knew her. A farm girl at heart, she loved to talk about her childhood on the farm and during her last years, living and being cared for in Pensacola, Florida with family; she spoke very lovingly about how much she missed the farm and shared many of her childhood stories. Some of the most precious memories that her family also holds in their hearts is the extensive family reunions at the farm and in later years the reunions held at the parks where she could be surrounded by her entire family. To know Marie's loving soul was to see the precious moments when she was holding a new grandchild, great grandchild, or great-great grandchild in her arms for the first time. Marie was a strong family woman who led the way as the matriarch of her family. From a young age on the farm working hard to help her family, to raising her own 6 children while succeeding as a young woman entrepreneur in the 1950. She enjoyed sharing her history, advice and stories to dozens of generations that she was blessed to see come into this world. Believing in the Lord as she did, her family takes comfort in knowing that she was greeted in heaven by Jesus and her parents who preceded her (Mary and Edward) along with her 7 siblings (Delores, Loreen, Marge, Eddy, Alice, Bernice, and Loretta) and by her precious grandchildren who also preceded her in passing: (Laurie, Adam, Rita, Mark, Nicholas and Adam). Marie, an earthy angel, will be missed very much and her legacy will continue through the memories and stories that are being passed generation through generation.
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